Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Weird Google Friend Connect Bugs

Today, i discovered Google Friend Connect and found several weird bugs.

  1. I follow my own blogs. what for!? i'm the blog owner.
  2. I send message to myself. yes! i have multiple personality. LoL~ 
Here is the screenshot.

Google Friend Connect Follow Bug
Follow myself
Sending Message

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

[ Tutorial ] Change Blogger Favicon

I know so many tuts about how to change blogger favicon, unfortunately, most of them have not clear explanation. Because, inserting your link code between tag head not enough, they missed one condition, you must insert your code between tag head and below the blogger standard head tag. This is all you need to do.

Create / Upload Your Icon
You need to create and upload you image file on a photo hosting file such as imagebeep or just upload it on your blog (only .png and .gif file)

Link Code
<link href="{image url}" rel="shortcut icon" />
replace {image url} with your exact image

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Link Building via Comments, effective way for SEO? or Spamming Activity?

Have you ever try to comments on famous blog or website? of course yes! Have you ever think short and crazy coments could improve your back link? if yes! then you are similar to who i used to be. :)

In fact, so many blogs and website associates rel="nofollow" meta data for robots into links inside comments body and links of author comments. Blogspot and Wordpress, by default add nofollow tag into every comment author links. Why? because, many spammer using mass comments technique to get traffic. I'm sure, you don't wanna be called as spammer.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Features of Blogger Template Designer

As we know Blogger in Draft added Blogger Template Designer on March, people start asking (yes, include me) about abiltity of this Blogger Draft 

17 Highly Customizable Templates
Great professional look templates with easy customization. Split into four categories:
  • Simple
  • Picture Windows
  • Awesome Inc.
  • Water Mark

Blogger Template

Hundreds of background images and patterns from iStockphoto
Hundreds of beatiful images from iStockphotos, but be aware, make sure to keep the background images matches with your template. The Background images

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blogger Template Designer in Blogger in Draft

Since i'm new to Blogger, i want to try every feature in Blogger include Blogger in Draft. If you don't know about Blogger in Draft, i'll give you short explanation :)

What is Blogger in Draft?
Blogger in draft is a special version of Blogger where Blogger Team try out new features before releasing them to everyone. Think of it as their sandbox, or laboratory, or just “Blogger + new things.”

How to use access Blogger in Draft?
Easy, just go to

How to make Blogger in Draft my default Dashboard?
That's easy too

Saturday, April 3, 2010

[ Tutorial ] How to add customized twitter follow me button on blogger

Twitter, most popular micro blogging service today. who doesn't know twitter? everyone's know! even my old grandpa. Twitter becomes effective way to publish your blog posts, that's why you need twitter follow me button on your blog, so every blog visitor could follow twitter easily. After my previous post this things will be interesting enough. so many blogger gadget that provide twitter or other social media button, but mismatched with my template (and maybe yours) that's annoying eh!?

[ Tutorial ] How to add facebook, twitter and other social media button on blogger

First time i build this blog, first thing i that think about is how to add facebook and twitter share button for my readers so they could spreading info from my blog. After doing some

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello World!

Yes! My First Post! :)